Thursday, August 23, 2007

At last, the last of the pictures...

Obviously, having taken over 1200 pictures, this is not going to be all the pictures I took, just the ones that I thought were halfway decent. Now that I am back in the States, with a fast reliable internet connection, this is much easier. But don't forget to keep up with the daughter's blog, since she is in Nepal until the end of December!

The daughter feeding a pony at a lunch stop

A line of yak butter candles at a tibetan monastary

A line of prayer wheels in Tibet

I have no idea what is inside the "Bathroom of Clean Water" (or "Crean water" as the sign on the side reads)

The highest point we reached in Tibet - a little over 5000 meters

A stupa in Nepal

A view from up the stupa

A Cornell sticker on a car in Tibet

The Daughter and Me

Prayer wheels on a building in Tibet

Peacock window in Bahktapur

More stupa views

Communist Party HQ in Kathmandu

A snack for sale at the Naag festival (no, I didn't eat one. I was stuffed from snails at breakfast)

Saddhu with snake at the Naag festival

Everest from the plane ride back from Lhasa

Potala palace at night


Worshippers at a monastary and other shots from the monastary

Juniper smoke at a monstary

Simone and Kristen taking pictures

Buddha picture on boulders above monastary

20 yuan to take interior pictures

Tibetan boy sheparding sheep

The daughter, Simone, myself and Kristen on the bus to Lhasa

On the road to Lhasa

Our driver in Tibet

Solar stove to heat water for tea

Prayer wheels, big and small

On a mound of sacred stones behind a stupa in Tibet

Well, that's all I have to show and tell about my big adventure. I hope to return one day to Nepal to do some trekking and some more shopping. Of the three countries I visited, it was my favorite, although I made many new and interesting friends in Tibet as well. I hope you have enjoyed travelling with me!


Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)